London Writers' Salon

#104: Rupal Patel — Lessons from the CIA, Building A Creative Practice, Prioritising Time & Writing Non-Fiction

Episode Summary

Rupal Patel, an ex-CIA agent and author of From CIA to CEO on applying CIA tools to your personal and creative life. Plus she gives us tips for how to create more time and how to pitch a non-fiction book.

Episode Notes

Rupal Patel, an ex-CIA agent and author of From CIA to CEO on applying CIA tools to your personal and creative life. Plus she gives us tips for how to create more time and how to pitch a non-fiction book.  





The daughter of Indian immigrants, Rupal Patel is a born-and-bred New Yorker now living near London. Her unconventional career as a CIA analyst and successful entrepreneur has taken her from dusty briefing rooms in jungles and war zones to the gilded halls of NATO and Capitol Hill. As a CEO, leadership consultant, and strategic advisor, she now helps founders, corporate leaders, and next-generation change-makers lead in powerful, meaningful ways while building mental toughness and unshakable resilience.